The Management Advice from the Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier has been develop in order to help businesses and especially the SMEs to make the right choice in the setting up of their management tools. The Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier will provide its expertise to help you to optimize your management.

  • management


    Business Center
    L’Espace Entreprise
    de Montpellier

    Management Assistance, secretariat, Management Advice, …

The support wil be provided in the following fields:
Tools choice Support.
The choice of the most fitted tools for your activity will condition the quality of your management.
Creation of your templates .
The templates of your management documents will be realized based on your specific criterias.
Setting up of the client process.
Support in the setting up of your client process.



from the Business Center L’Espace Entreprise from Montpellier
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