Office spot Rental
4 people (12M²) - List of examples of companies using the Office Spot 4 people (12m²) offer from the Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" de Montpellier.
Case 1 : Mister B is working for a major car manufacturer. During his holidays in the area he have to take part to an important conference call with the headquarter of the company. So for that he needs an office during half a day with Internet and a phone line.
- Case 2 : Miss J whose concierge service company is hosted at the Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier is, every time she needs to meet a client or a prospect, using the Office Spot offer. It is allowing her to enjoy a reception area for her visitors on a Pay as you Go basis at the official headquarter of her company.
Case 3 : Mister F have to run a series of interview to hire salespersons for his company on the Montpellier and Nîmes area. He needs a fully furnished office easily accessible for him and the prospects he plan to receive during the interview day.
Case 4 : Mister E is a certified computer trainer who needs to run a training session in Montpellier for this he needs a training room during 3 month but also during this period and Office Spot punctually during this period in order to run interviews and evaluations sessions for the participants.