rental services
pic st Loup room
- List of examples of companies using the Rental Service for the Pic St Loup room from the Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier.
Case 1 : The italian company X is organising a meeting day with its clients and prospects to present its products. The room is organised as a showroom in order to display the different products from the catalog.
- Case 2 : The firm A is specialised in the follow up of workers victim of their company's downsizing. Before to start the individual monitoring the firm is organizing information meeting for about 20 people per sessions.
Case 3 : The institute A is organizing information and awareness meeting to Professionals wishing to launch their business in the field of the production an the sale of product from the organic farming. It is organized in sessions of 15 to 20 people per half day and requiring a projector and an Internet access.