rental service montpellier
16 pEople - List of examples of companies using the Rental Service for the Aigoual room (up to 16 people in meeting mode) fro the Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier.
Case 1 : The company P needs to organize a 3 month for job seekers. For this training it needs a fully equiped room with 16 computers, an internet connection, a projector and a paperboard.
- Case 2 : The firm A is specialized of reclassification of workers victims of a downsizing. For the monitoring of the process the firm is organizing trainings to help in the writing of the resumes and cover letters for 10 to 15 people.
Case 3 : The training center A is organizing computer training sessions for fifteen people on 8 weeks. The needs are a fully furnished room and an Internet connection. The computers will be provided by the training center.