reservation center (room finders)
- List of exemples of comapnies using the Reservation Center service (room finder) from the Business Center "l’Espace Entreprise" of Montpellier.
Case 1 : The group E is a company specialized in the renting of meeting rooms essentially in Paris and the main provincial cities. On behalf of one of its clients the coapny needs to find 10 training rooms on the Montpellier area for 2 periods and with a very specific size but does not know have a good enough knowledge of the local market to do it efficiently.
Case 2 : The group P which is headquartered in Aix en Provence is organizing a seminar reuniting all its sales force from the South of France with the presence of the main managers of the company including the CEO of the company. For this event the management is looking forward an amhitheater close to the city center because a visit of the city center and its tavers distributing the products of the company.
Case 3 : U is a world renowned studio deveopping video games which need meeting room equiped with a videoconferencing system to organise remote meetings with its parisian headquarter and its north american client.